Owls Hall Environmental has collected a number of tips to help you save water at home. We’ve covered a range of water-saving ideas, from little changes you can make to your routines through to more efficient ways to use water in your garden.
In a period of increasingly unpredictable weather and damaging climate change, saving water where we can helps to ease the strain on Britain’s water supply. Our tips will also help you save money if you have a water meter and could also cut down on your gas and electricity bills.
Water is one of our most precious resources. We take it for granted, and with the population increasing and our climate becoming drier, saving water is becoming more and more vital to the sustainability of our planet. We can all help reduce water waste by making small behavioural changes and by choosing more water-efficient products. With the average person in the UK using an astonishing 150 litres each day, it’s never been more important to conserve water.
Owls Hall are experts in rainwater harvesting systems. If you need help choosing the right solution for you, get in touch with our friendly team, who will be able to help you.