
How Much Indoor Space Is Needed For A Rainwater Harvesting System?

For a domestic rainwater harvesting system that flushes toilets you will have a few components in the house depending on which system you opt for:

Indirect headertank systems:

With an indirect rainwater system, you will require space in the loft for the headertank. You should allocate a metre square to ensure you can access the headertank correctly. We also provide a fine particle filter for the highest quality possible. Whilst this can be put in the loft, it is best to put it somewhere that can be easily accessed to see if it ever needs to be cleaned. This can be housed at the back of a kitchen cupboard or a utility room.

Direct feed systems:

Direct feed systems do not require a headertank. However, you will have a mains back up kit which can be placed under a sink or on the inside of any external wall. You will also have a fine particle filter that could be placed in a garage, utility/plant room or at the back of a kitchen cupboard. Please contact us to discuss the best placement of the kit.

Both systems:

We advocate the use of a pressure vessel in any rainwater harvesting system (not just our own) they are proven to protect the pump from chasing on and off in the event that a valve ever leaks – these can be installed in a plant/utility room or in a garage. They don’t have to take up too much room but the larger the pressure vessel the better (the sizing comes down to affordability and space availability).

Garden Irrigation systems:

Garden watering systems do not require any space in the property at all. The pump is housed in the rainwater tank, and the water is pumped directly to taps around the garden. The pump will run automatically when any tap is opened delivering good pressure and flow rate.

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